From Women To Women: 5 Tips From A Female Entrepreneur For Girls Who Wants To Run Their Own Business

"My sister and I decided, at the beginning of the pandemic, to open Sweet Sisters'. We had a friend who sold palha italiana at the school where she studied at Granja Viana and we thought the idea was really cool, so we decided to do the tests to see if it would work". That was how Carolina Schver, 19, a student of Nutrition, started her store, which today is already a sales success and has won many fans. But the path was not easy, even though she and her sister, Mariana Schver, 21, were passion

Pi Day: What Is It Like To Be A Woman In Exact Sciences?

Today is March 14th, Pi (π) day, but what does that mean? It's the day we celebrate an infinite sequence of digits (3.14159265358979323846…) studied in school and also in colleges of exact sciences, such as Physics, Computer Science, Economic Sciences, Systems Analysis and Development, Mathematics, and Civil Engineering. But if the number seems difficult, entering a college where men predominate is even more so. Retired professor Célia Regina Costa (62), who graduated in Mathematics, reported t

March 8th: A Day To Be Remembered

International Women's Day is celebrated worldwide on March 8th. The date emphasizes the importance of women in society and the struggle for their rights they unfortunately suffer. Honoring women with flowers, gifts, messages and supportive phrases on this day became common nowadays. In some places, there are conferences and events dedicated to themes of gender equality, violence against women, and conquests and stories of struggle that women have faced. The origin of International Women's Day i

#8 Girls With Disabilities For You To Follow On Instagram

Belly Palma is a graduated Administrator by FAAP and Manager of Inclusive Fashion at the "Department for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the Government of the State of São Paulo". She was born with a bad spine formation called Myelomeningocele, which is nothing more than a spinal cord malformation. So, she has paraplegia and, as she was born with a disability her whole life, she learned how to get around with the occasions, moments in her favor and directing her eyes to what she coul

Theater vs Pandemic: Get to Know the Opera Group Who Came Up With a New Play Model

At the end of last year, Paulo started doing a new dramaturgy of a small comic opera by Gilbert and Sullivan, which would become the Trial by Jury. However, when trials began, the pandemic began too. "We came to the conclusion that we would have to stop everything and I started thinking about how we were going to continue. We did some experiments with filming, a laboratory that involved theater and music, based on sketches that I wrote. We posted on YouTube and, from there, the idea of ​​a filme

“Rebecca”: The New Version Of The Old Classic

Netflix released the movie "Rebecca" on Wednesday, October 21, based on the classic book by Daphne du Maurier and the cinematographic work of Alfred Hitchcock. Despite being among the 10 most watched movies on the platform, the work was poorly evaluated by critics, who considered it "unnecessary". The truth is that the new release fulfills its role: it tells the story and it entertains the public, especially considering we’re isolated due to the pandemic. The movie takes place in the 1930s and

Hocus Pocus, Mickey Mouse: 8 Animation Villains Who Are Scarier Than The Classic Horror Characters

The Minister of Justice in 15th century Paris, Judge Claude Frollo can be considered the worst villain of all! A hypocrite and racist genocidal, who believes himself to be a man of God and thinks he is superior and purer than the people he should help. Frollo sees sin, addiction and corruption everywhere, except in his own attitudes, being able to convince himself that every crazy impulse, evil or sinful is the fault of someone other than himself. His position as a man of the law favors him to g

#10 Unmissable Releases In The Netflix Catalog In October 2020

Netflix, a streaming platform for audiovisual productions spread across the globe, carries with it a wide catalog of films, series and documentaries. A large portion of them are originals of the company, so they will always be available, while others can only be watched for a certain period. Although there is a withdrawal of productions from the Netflix universe, every month a list of titles and the respective dates on which they may be reproduced is released through social media. This practice

"Instagram Face": How Filters Are Creating a New (And Unreachable) Beauty Standard

The media has controlled women's bodies and appearance since its beginning, by creating standards of beauty that are totally unattainable. As a result, with the emergence of new technologies, content consumption now happens through social networks and digital platforms. Instagram is the fourth most downloaded and used app in the world and also the place where we constantly share carefully selected parts of our liver with our followers. According to student Marina Ramos (15), society has always

Literacy In The Pandemic: Reports From Educators

From the youngest children to college students, we are all having difficulties with this new, and hopefully brief, reality. But what about the children that are going through their literacy development right now? We spoke to three women: teachers and educators that are dealing with this problem right now and have something to say about it. One of the main problems that we heard was the necessity of a guardian mediation. "There is no way, for the students, to follow the class without a guardian

Moody Rainbow: How Can Colors Affect Our Humor?

Everyone has a favorite color, don't they? But did you know that each color has different properties that can affect your mood? Yes! Some colors directly influence people's humors, how they will follow their day, react to certain situations and even sleep.They act on our psychological state in a variety of ways and are usually linked to feelings. But how does it work? The light radiated by the colors affects our nervous system through our eyes and can directly affect the center of our emotions.

Análise do making of da peça “Restos”, de Neil Labute, com Antonio Fagundes

Este estudo sobre as várias fases da produção teatral responde ao processo formativo do curso técnico do Teatro-Escola Célia Helena na disciplina de Produção Teatral com a professora Lilian Sarkis. Por meio deste trabalho tenho o objetivo de compreender como se dá o processo produtivo de um espetáculo teatral, tendo como base a peça “Restos”, de Neil Labute, realizada pela Fagundes Produções. O vídeo do processo produtivo da peça foi feito por Diana Fagundes e Pedro Garcia, com edição e finalização de Ricardo Carvalheiro.

Estudo sobe o coletivo teatral "Núcleo Experimental"

Este estudo sobre o coletivo de teatro Núcleo Experimental responde ao processo formativo do curso técnico do Teatro-Escola Célia Helena na disciplina de Produção Teatral com a professora Lilian Sarkis. Por meio deste trabalho tenho o objetivo de compreender o teatro realizado pelo grupo, assim como conhecer sua trajetória. O primeiro capítulo abordará a história, a formação do grupo, e um panorama geral sobre o tipo de trabalho desenvolvido pelo coletivo teatral. O segundo capítulo discorrerá brevemente sobre os integrantes do grupo, suas funções e trabalhos realizados. Logo depois, serão citados os espetáculos realizados pelo grupo, com destaque aos premiados. O quarto capítulo lista as indicações a prêmios que o grupo recebeu. Por fim, será falado de forma sucinta sobre o Teatro do Bardo, o braço infantil do Núcleo Experimental.

Análise da obra "Hamlet Ex-Machina", de Heiner Muller

Esta análise da obra Hamlet Máquina de Heiner Müller responde ao processo formativo do curso técnico da Escola Superior de Artes Cênicas Célia Helena na disciplina de História das Artes Cênicas com o professor Hugo Villavicencio. Por meio deste trabalho temos o objetivo de compreender o teatro contemporâneo na perspectiva de um dramaturgo renomeado. Entendendo a obra de Heiner Müller poderemos ver uma das várias perspectivas artísticas que se dão no momento histórico do final do século XX.

Análise da obra "Vida Para Consumo", de Bauman

É fato que a sociedade se transformou e ainda se transforma. Desse modo, todos os integrantes dela também estão suscetíveis a mudanças, as quais impactam suas vidas, o modo de pensar e a maneira de agir. Assim, no final da década de 1920, ocorre o início da transição de uma sociedade de produtores para uma sociedade de consumidores. Nesse momento, os conceitos de consumismo e de uma cultura de consumo ganham espaço, o que leva ao debate do papel dos indivíduos em uma coletividade que aparenta se tornar uma grande massa cinzenta de mercadorias.

Em São Paulo, projeto “Fique Vivo!” cuida da saúde mental da população de rua

O projeto de extensão da Universidade Mackenzie, “Fique Vivo!”, surgiu em 2018 e realiza um trabalho de promoção da saúde mental aos moradores de rua “A Cracolândia é um organismo vivo, que muitos querem que desapareça e que sofre os efeitos da humilhação e da violência. Conheci um jovem de uns 26 ou 27 anos que estava há três dias acordado. Quando ele veio conversar comigo, estava muito angustiado. Ele se sentia muito sujo, olhava pra unha dele e se achava nojento, se perguntava como ele ia..."

#8 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Deciding Your College Major

Deciding the profession that you will follow is the last step of a process that demands a lot of attention and involvement. Choosing the course that you are going to major in is a very big responsibility, especially when you have to do this when you are only 17 or 18 years old. But do not push yourself, this text will reveal the essential questions that will help you in your vocational choice.

From The Books To The Movies: Get To Know The 10 Best Adaptations

Paulo Lins' novel was the first to show the complexity and evolution of Rio's favelas, the rise of organized crime, their battles and to portray these communities as they really are with an inside perspective. Fernando Meirelles, in one of the best national adaptations, captured the strength of the original, wiping out the author's sometimes tiring descriptions, creating a modern classic about crime, struggle and the poor reality of Brazil. The soundtrack, which accompanies the passing of the ye

The Brains Behind The Music: 7 Film Composers You Should Know

As we can see, the list only includes men. It happens because women are still trying to win their spaces in the movie industry. Despite that, it is very important to watch and disseminate movies which soundtracks are made by women. Hildur Guðnadóttir has played and recorded with a lot of bands and she has also produced solo works. Hildur has gained international recognition for her film and television scores, including for the action thriller film Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018), and the HBO
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